Thursday, October 22, 2009

Wilco in Columbus on Columbus day

Rick and I left right after school to drive to Columbus Ohio to see Wilco perform at the Wexner Center. We stopped at Betty's Fine Food and Spirits for a pre-concert snack and a couple of tasty micro brews. I enjoyed my Burning River IPA from a brewery in Cleveland.

My cute date


Wilco, Wilco will love ya baby!

The concert was awesome. If you have never seen Wilco in concert I recommend it highly. Jeff, John, Glenn and Nels played two and a half rousing hours of great music!! Highlights for me were "At least that's what she said", "The boxer", "Wishful thinking" and "Shot in the arm".
After the concert we went to my sisters house. Randy was up when we got there and the three of us stayed up and chatted over beers. The next morning I got up early to see the rest of the family before they went to school and work. Randy, Rick and I went to get breakfast at an awesome place called Northstar. The food is organic, grown sustainably and delicious. The restaurant was super cool with modern design, communal tables and my favorite art magazines!! We talked and drank coffee there for about an hour and a half and then we headed home to pick the boys up at school.

Giant breakfast burrito

Lemon ricotta pancakes-Yum!